The SUGAR team, in collaboration with NGO Oxygono and the Youth Council of Cyprus, have organised a two-part discussion panel series under the theme of “Limassol 2040”, which aim to discuss how a long-term plan for a city can come to fruition through the participation of citizens, the community and the authorities. The second part of the discussion took place on the 5th of December 2019 at the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol. The invited speakers were Nicos Nicolaides (Mayor of Limassol), Pantelis Eutixiou Georgiou (Mayor of Ypsonas) and Charalampos Theopemptou (MP of the Ecologists – Citizens’ Coalition Movement). The discussion revolved around five main themes, including local government reform, tall buildings, sustainable strategic planning, future challenges and the long-term plan for Limassol. At the end of the discussion, the audience had the opportunity to ask the invited speakers a series of questions in relation to the topics discussed as well as their views on the future of the city.