Multitouch Interactive Tabletops for Collaboration and Peacemaking [PeaceTable]
Principal Investigator: Dr. Andri Ioannou
Programme: Startup grant of Cyprus University of Technology
Research Staff: Christina Vasiliou, Chrystalla Antoniou
Total Funding: 40,000 euro
Funding to the Lab: 40,000 euro
Funding Source: Cyprus University of Technology
Duration: 2 years (January 2011- December 2013)
Project Summary:
Most of this startup grant was used for funding research assistants for the Cyprus Interaction Lab for conducting research in two main areas:
- technology-enhanced learning with emphasis on the use of multitouch interactive tabletops as part of an artifact classroom ecology for the support of collaborative learning in courses in the creative industries domain.
- technology-enhanced peacemaking using interactive tabletops to support collaboration and learning between students in conflict.
A smaller portion of this grant was used for the purchase of laboratory equipment.