MetaCivicEdu E+ Consortium Meeting and Teacher Training in Athens
We recently wrapped up a successful consortium meeting in Athens for the MetaCivicEdu Erasmus+ project [No.2023-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000159834]! The partners discussed project milestones and next steps. Additionally, a Teacher Training took place at Avgoulea-Linardatou School in Athens on the 7th of February, bringing together teachers from The Heritage Private School (Cyprus), St. Lauren’s National School (Ireland), and Avgoulea-Linardatou School (Greece). During this collaborative session, teachers were equipped with the necessary skills to implement the upcoming pilot programs in their schools over the next three months. They also had the chance to run demo pilots, gaining hands-on experience in delivering the program effectively.
We are thrilled to be part of this project and excited about the fruitful collaboration between academics and in-service teachers.
The partners in this project are the following:
University of Piraeus Research Centre – CosyLLab (Greece)
CYENS Centre of Excellence – EdMedia (Cyprus)
University College Dublin – National University of Ireland (Ireland)
Democritus University of Thrace – AETMA lab (Greece)
Avgoulea – Linardatou School (Greece)
The Heritage Private School (Cyprus)
Eummena VZW (Belgium)