MetaCivicEdu E+ Consortium Meeting in Limassol
We recently wrapped up a successful consortium meeting in Limassol for the MetaCivicEdu Erasmus+ project [No.2023-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000159834]! We are thrilled to be part of this project and excited about the fruitful collaboration between academics and in-service teachers.
The partners in this project are the following:
University of Piraeus Research Centre – CosyLLab (Greece)
CYENS Centre of Excellence – EdMedia (Cyprus)
University College Dublin – National University of Ireland (Ireland)
Democritus University of Thrace – AETMA lab (Greece)
Avgoulea – Linardatou School (Greece)
The Heritage Private School (Cyprus)
Eummena VZW (Belgium)
The consortium meeting was hosted by the EdMedia research group of CYENS at the premises of the Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus Interaction Lab) in Limassol. The project partners discussed current progress on developing metaverse-enhanced learning scenarios for civic education as well as virtual learning environments for their enactment. They also discussed next steps in the project which involve teachers training and pilot testing with students. We look forward to advancing educators’ skills in using metaverse technologies to promote civic learning amongst young learners.