Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark 19 – 24 July 2020
Jointly held under one management and one registration with HCI International 2020
Chairs: Panayiotis Zaphiris and Andri Ioannou
In the today’s knowledge society, learning and collaboration are two fundamental and strictly interrelated aspects of knowledge acquisition and creation. Learning technology is the broad range of communication, information and related technologies that can be used to support learning, teaching, and assessment, often in a collaborative way. Collaboration technology, on the other hand, is targeted to support individuals working in teams, towards a common goal, which may be an educational one, by providing tools that aid communication, the management of activities as well as the process of problem solving. In this context, interactive technologies do not only affect and improve the existing educational system, but become a transformative force that can generate radically new ways of knowing, learning and collaborating.
The LCT conference, affiliated to HCI International conference, addresses theoretical foundations, design and implementation, as well as effectiveness and impact issues related to interactive technologies for learning and collaboration, including design methodologies, developments and tools, theoretical models, instructional design, as well as technology adoption and use in formal and informal educational contexts.
The related topics include, but are not limited to:
- XR and Immersive Learning
- Wearable Technologies, Mobile learning and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning
- Serious Games and Gamification
- Robotics and their Potential for Learning
- Mobile learning and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning
- Human-Computer Interfaces and Technology Support for Collaboration and Learning
- Cultural Issues in Learning with Collaboration Technologies
- Theoretical Perspectives for Learning via Collaboration Technologies
- Collaboration Technology and Children with Special Needs
- Collaboration Technology for Elderly People
- Collaborative Learning in Online Environments/ CSCL
- Design, Methodology, and Architecture of Collaborative Learning Systems
- Socio-economic and Political Uses of Collaboration Technology
- Sense of Community and Relationship Building with Collaboration Technology
- Digital Divide and Gender Discrepancies in Collaboration Technology
- Smart Cities and Learning

Conference proceedings published by