Special issue ETR&D Special Issue Call:Learning Through Design and Maker Education
Guest Editors:
Andri Ioannou, Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus Interaction Lab), CYENS Center of Excellence, <andri@cyprusinteractionlab.
Brian Gravel, Tufts University, <brian.gravel@tufts.edu>, https://sites.tufts.edu/
Research topics to be addressed include but are not limited to:
- Learning design meshing pedagogy and practice to drive learning in maker education
- Development of empirically driven conceptual and analytical frameworks for assessing making
- Uses and tensions around technology (digital or analog) in learning through design
- Understanding the interplay and dynamics of teaching and learning interactions, among the learner, educator/tutor and technology in making contexts
- Critical perspectives involving issues of power and equity in maker education across contexts
- International perspectives on technological, practical, empirical, and conceptual aspects of learning through design and maker education
Manuscript Submission- due in the Editorial Management system: November 30, 2022
Submission Instructions
When ready to submit your manuscript at https://www.editorialmanager.