ERUM: A second transnational project meeting in times of COVID-19
On May 15th, the ERUM consortium met for the second time, but, due to the current public health crisis, the meeting was held on Zoom. It was chaired by Judith, Alessandra and Johanna from the University of Vienna. During this productive day, the project partners discussed about already achieved milestones Read more…
Makerspace: Arduino workshop
To Cyprus Interaction Lab παρουσίασε το Arduino Webinar for Beginners που θα πραγματοποιήθηκε το Σάββατο 06/06/2020 στις 10:00-11:30 π.μ μέσω της πλατφόρμας Google Meet. Στόχος ήταν η επίδειξη της πλατφόρμας Arduino, δηλαδή μιας απλής πλακέτας ανοικτού κώδικα, η οποία μπορεί να προγραμματιστεί για να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε διαδραστικά έργα. Κρατήστε τη Read more…
SUGAR Project
We have developed an interactive AR application for visualising and creative imaginaries for the area of Omirou Street and Fytoriou Street at Aglantzia Municipality allowing the public to influence the decision-making processes by creating their own visual material to discuss and comment on as part of our SUGAR project. More information available Read more…
Internship Opportunity at FeSTEM Project
Due to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), CIL will not host any internships for Summer 2020. A small number of virtual internships will be hosted i.e., the intern completes a project in distance with some online supervision meetings. A certificate for a successful internship will be awarded by the Director of the Read more…
Climate-KIC Young Innovators 2020 is seeking for enthusiastic high-school teachers and their students!
The EIT Climate-KIC Young Innovators 2020 Cyprus aims to support secondary and high school students to develop their 21st-century skills and competencies related to climate innovation, under the umbrella of the PBL pedagogy. Among other competencies, the project promotes systems thinking and analysis, critical thinking, creative problem-solving and entrepreneurship. The Read more…
Cost Action EUGAIN: European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics [2020-2023]
The Cyprus Interaction Lab and RISE CoE are happy to announce its participation in a successful COST Action proposal titled on Promoting Gender Balance in Informatic. Women are underrepresented in Informatics (Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computing, ICT) at all levels, while increasing female representation in the field is a grand challenge for academics, policymakers, and society as a whole. Read more…
CA19102 – Language in the Human-Machine Era
“Within the next 10 years, many millions of people will be … wearing relatively unobtrusive … devices that offer an immersive and high-resolution view of a visually augmented world” (Perlin 2016: 85). This is the ‘human-machine era’, a time when our senses are not just supplemented by handheld mobile devices, Read more…
ASKFOOD workshop on “innovative teaching methods in food science; examples from practice”
Dr. Andri Ioannou (Associate Professor, Director of the Cyprus Interaction Lab & Coordinator of the EdMedia MRG) was invited at the 3rd meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 project ASKFOOD, which took place on April 14th-16th 2020, at the Cyprus University of Technology. During the project meeting, Dr. Ioannou delivered a Read more…
Immersive VR for Learning Physics in the High Schools of Cyprus
The research team aimed to demonstrate learning design for successful integration of VR technologies in real classroom settings.The educational activity took place at the following high schools with the support of the schools’ principals and Science Education teachers: • Petrou & Pavlou Lyceum, Limassol (Marios Ioannou, Michalis Ioannou, Petros Lofitis)• Read more…
Social Computing Research Center: kick-off meeting of the new project on Female Empowerment in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Higher Education
The kickoff meeting of the ERASMUS+ project FeSTEM (Female Empowerment in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Higher Education) took place with great success on January 30-31, at the Cyprus University of Technology. FeSTEM, which is funded by the European Commission, is composed of five partners in five countries (Cyprus, Read more…
Kick-off meeting of the ERUM project
The kick-off meeting of the ERUM project (Enhancing Research Understanding through Media) took place on December 5th and 6th, at the Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. The ERUM project is funded by the European Commission, under the Erasmus+ framework (Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education). The project consortium is composed by seven Read more…
Cyprus Interaction Lab Annual Review/Newsletter 2019
The Cyprus Interaction Lab is the only research facility in Cyprus specialising in Educational Technology and Human Computer Interaction. We are proud to engage in research that helps unpack the potential of emerging technologies to positively influence our society. We hope you will enjoy reading our newsletter which highlights our major achievements Read more…
The INTELed final dissemination event at Cyprus
The INTELed multiplier event took place at the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol, Cyprus, aiming to disseminate the theoretical and pedagogical framework of INTELed, the philosophy and goals as well as the main outcomes of the INTELed European project. The event was entitled “Promoting inclusive education via embodied learning Read more…
The ENGINITE final dissemination event at Cyprus
The ENGINITE multiplier event took place at the Cyprus University Cyprus, in Limassol, Cyprus. The multiplier event aimed at disseminating the ENGINITE european project and its goals, as well as the ENGINITE postgraduate Vocational Education and Training (VET) programme which was based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy. The event Read more…