CIL Newsletter 2020

We are grateful to put together our newsletter once again (2020 CIL Newsletter), which despite the difficulties due to the pandemic, it does not look any less rich than our previous newsletters. Rather, it demonstrates the hard work and the many achievements of the group! This year is signalled by two PhD graduations Read more…

New success for the Cyprus Interaction Lab and the Social Computing Research Center (SCRC) of CUT

The Cyprus Interaction Lab ( of the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, through the Social Computing Research Center (SCRC) ( of the Cyprus University of Technology secured funding under the Erasmus+ program (Sector of School Education) with the project ASSESSMAKE21. The Cyprus Interaction Lab, led by Associate Professor Andri Ioannou, Read more…

ASSESSMAKE21: Innovative digital solutions to assess 21st century skills in makerspaces: schools & non-formal

As the maker movement is increasingly adopted into K‐12 schools and nonformal makerspaces, students have more opportunities to generate unique, personalized projects and artifacts, such as computer programs, robots, DIY electronics and to develop new competencies and skills. Digital making technologies if coupled with proper learning methodologies such as suggested Read more…