Please contact us if you need access to any of the applications or platforms presented below. These are outcomes of various funded projects.​

Applications/ Platforms


Angle-Makers is an embodied learning app designed for promoting 4-6th graders’ conceptual understanding of angles in geometry. The app can only be used with KINECT V2.0 (find the latest Kinect for Windows 2.0 drivers from Microsoft).

Please cite:
Georgiou, Y., & Ioannou, A. (2020). Developing, enacting and evaluating a learning experience design for technology-enhanced embodied learning in math classrooms. TechTrends.

Young Cardiologists

Young Cardiologists is an embodied learning app designed for promoting 5-8th graders’ conceptual understanding of the heart circulatory system. The app can only be used with LEAP Motion.

Please cite:
Georgiou, Y., & Ioannou, A. (2020, July). A Co-design Approach for the Development and Classroom Integration of Embodied Learning Apps. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 217-229). Springer, Cham.


IdeasMapping is a multitouch app that enables participants to develop a taxonomy of their ideas as they brainstorm. The app runs on a multitouch tabletop.

Please cite:
Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A., Loizides, F., & Vasiliou, C. (2013). User experience in using surface computing for collaborative decision making. Interactive Technology and Smart Education Journal, 10(4), 297-308. doi: 10.1108/ITSE-11-2012-0030.


IdeasSpace is a multitouch app designed to support collaborative design and storytelling. The app runs on a multitouch tabletop.

Please cite:
Ioannou, A., Loizides, F., Vasiliou, C., Zaphiris, P., & Parmaxi, A. (2015). Tabletop support for collaborative design: an initial evaluation of IdeaSpace.Educational Media International, 1-12.

Personal Tours of Cultural Heritage
for Deaf Museum Visitors

Deaf Museum Visitors is an app designed for deaf/hard-of-hearing visitors to enable a museum experience without the support of a physical sign language interpreter. The application was pilot tested at the Pattichion Municipal Museum in Cyprus. Download the application here.

Please cite:
Constantinou, V., Loizides, F., & Ioannou, A. (2016, October). A Personal Tour of Cultural Heritage for Deaf Museum Visitors. In Euro-Mediterranean Conference (pp. 214-221). Springer International Publishing.

SUGAR Public Consultation AR App

The SUGAR app is the outcome of a research project in urban governance, Augmented Reality (AR) and public participation aiming to overcome the communication complexities of building and planning law by visualising design proposals in an interactive format. Through the application citizens can co-create, voice their opinions and share them with the decision-makers feeding directly to a community forum that engages them in discussions with planning authorities.

Please cite:
Papallas A., Zaphiris P., (2019) “Designing a framework for public participation and sustainable urban governance through user-centred design methods”, 26-31 July 2019, 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, Florida, US


The Assessmake21 tool is a result of the ERASMUS+ project “Assessmake21”. This digital solution consists of two tools, Educator’s Tool: for teachers and makerspace facilitators, and Student’s tool: for secondary education students to self-assess and develop their 21st-century skills in the context of Makerspace. Students are given various challenges based on 21st century skills they are using during making activities and are challenged to reflect upon them while working on a making task. Educator’s tool consists of a dashboard that gathers data for educators to analyze and have an overview of how their student’s develop these skills during making. The tool was pilot tested in Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, and Sweden. The application is browser-based and can be used on desktops, laptops, and tablets.

Please cite:
Miliou, O., Adamou, M., Mavri, A., & Ioannou, A. (2023). An exploratory case study of the use of a digital self-assessment tool of 21st-century skills in makerspace contexts, Educational Technology Research & Development.

WoMEnpower (WE-ME)

WoMEnpower (WE-ME) at is a community platform completed in Spring 2015 that aims to link women mentors and mentees together. More specifically WE-ME is developed for helping young women receive support and advice in regards to self-improvement, aiming to increase their self-esteem, personal and social power, and solidarity.  This effort was supported by the Mahallae digital neighbourhood (under the aegis of UNDP and USAID) and received follow up funding for the ACM Women ( The platform and initiative remain active due to the efforts of the principal investigators and community members.

Please cite:
Parmaxi, A., Vasiliou, C., Ioannou, A., Kouta, C. (2017). Empowerment of women through an innovative e-mentoring community platform: implications and lessons learned.The Journal of Community Informatics, 13(3), 36—53. 


The FeSTEM community platform ( was developed as part of the FeSTEM project ( that is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program. It is an e-mentoring platform that aims to link Higher Education (HE) students in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) with experienced mentors in the field. More specifically, this platform aims at helping HE students to receive support and advice in terms of their professional development in STEM. The platform hosts various communities, the so-called “Circles’. Circles encourage discussion and interaction between users with  common interests. Every Circle has its own forum to encourage discussion, improve communication, increase collaborations and ultimately engage the
members of their Circle and the platform in general. Except Circles, members are able to search for people that they know and then build up their own network of friends.

Please cite:

Pallaris, G., Parmaxi, A., & Christou, E. (2021). FeSTEM community platform: creating meaningful, mentoring relationships with experts in STEM. WomENcourage21.


Learn Greek Online at is a Moodle course provided by Kypros-Net in collaboration with the CyBC to teach the modern Greek language online. Learn Greek Online is currently composed of 105 real audio files (around 15 minutes each), online student notes, a collection of collaborative learning tools and an online Greek dictionary and a Greek spell checker.

The text version of these lessons has been contributed by students of this course. The course is offered absolutely free of charge. All you need to do is register and enjoy!

Please cite:
Zaphiris, P., & Zacharia, G. (2001). User-centered evaluation of an online modern Greek language course.