The 4th transnational project meeting of the ERASMUS+ project INTELed – INnovative Training via Embodied Learning and multi-sensory techniques for inclusive education – took place with great success on Wednesday 26th at UVa (Valladolid, Spain).

The meeting was attended by the project partners: Cyprus Interaction Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), CESIE (Italy), University of Piraeus (Greece), and University of Valladolid (Spain). The meeting was coordinated by Dr. Andri Ioannou (Assistant Professor at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology, as the Scientific Coordinator of the Project). Other participants were Dr. Yiannis Georgiou (CUT, project manager), Symeon Retalis (UPRC), Laura La Scala (CESIE), Dr. Alejandra Martínez Monés (UVa), Dr. Yannis Dimitriadis (UVa), Dr. Sara Villagrá Sobrino (UVa), Dr. Eva Mª Fernández Faúndez (UVa) and Dr. María Jiménez Ruiz (UVa).

During the last months, the participant teachers in each country have been carrying out the pilots to test the innovative INTELed method and technologies for embodied learning with more than 200 SEN students as well as their peers in mainstream classrooms, to make a total of 877 students involved. These pilots allowed the teachers to apply and test their knowledge and skills acquired during the training seminars and to collect empirical evidence about the value of the INTELed method applied to SEN students. The project partners have assessed the teachers’ competence in applying the INTELed method, the children’s learning outcomes, as well as the parents’ perceptions about the pilots. A set of good practices in applying the INTELed method have been documented using different media (text, video, photos) and they are now available at the INTELed YouTube channel at:
During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to discuss in depth the results of the assessment. The best practices identified after the pilots were considered as a main asset of the project that should be consolidated and further exploited. After the pilots, the partners have carried out or planned multiplier events in the different countries, to disseminate the project results outside their institutions. The results of these events were presented and discussed in the meeting.

This meeting was the last transnational project meeting of the INTELed project. As such, the meeting dedicated a slot for an overall review of the project and the achievement of the promised Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), as well as to plan for the final report. There was also time to discuss and plan for the sustainability of the project and how to enrich and maintain the Community of Practice ( that has been created around the project. The partners committed to work in this direction until the end of the project and beyond.
The project is supported by the Social Computing Research Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology [SCRC,], the Research Center of Interactive Media, Smart Systems & Emerging Technologies [RISE,].

For more information about the project:
- Visit the official website of the project (
- Subscribe at the project’s Facebook page (
- Join at the forum of the INTELed CoP (